For disease and pest control
BioP replaces chemistry with biology
BioP is taking advantage of over 40 years of research on the natural mechanisms that plants use to defend themselves. If a plant can detect a disease-causing organism (“pathogen”), it activates its innate defence responses and stops it. Scientists have explored biodiversity to find and deploy genes for natural “detectors” that alert the plant to disease and turn on its defences. Using modern methods, these detectors can be moved between plants.
The genetic technologies act 2023
Precision Breeding

The pioneering Precision Breeding Act (PBA) in the UK enables us to take advantage of biology to solve pest and disease problems in a way that our EU partners cannot. We are adding detector genes that could have been bred in, to provide disease resistance in market-favoured potato varieties, such as Maris Piper.
Late blight- and virus- resistant potato varieties for commercial and home growers.
BioP aims to bring to market late blight- and virus- resistant potato varieties using technologies permitted under the PBA. We have begun with varieties Maris Piper (to make PiperPlus) and Charlotte (making CharlottePlus) and will make them available to both commercial and home growers.
In the future, enabled by the PBA, we also aim to develop varieties with better consumer traits and additional pest and disease resistances. We expect to be able to add resistance to a bacterial disease (blackleg), to eelworms (nematodes) and to improve the quality and storability of our potatoes.

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